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April in Review

  • by Alexa
human trafficking statistics 2020

I don’t know about you, but it feels like April barely happened. Quarantine is like a time-warp. This month flew by, but we’ve been busy here at Novel Hand. Here’s what we learned this month and what we’re looking forward to in May. 

In April, we welcomed a new contributor, Heream! She’s writing about topics like effective altruism, social entrepreneurship, and human-centered design. Heream’s first article is about inequality and COVID-19

In our latest podcast episode, Grace interviewed Alexis Cook, co-founder of Unlocked. This social enterprise helps women experiencing homelessness by providing them with employment and other services. Grace also wrote about what she learned from Alexis. 

As COVID-19 continues to shape our world, we’re investigating how the pandemic affects specific communities. Emma F wrote about how people experiencing homelessness in Nashville, Tennessee and Salem, Washington are affected by  COVID-19. Emma S wrote about the importance of community bail funds for those experiencing incarceration. Our first guest post, from Vanderbilt senior Oliver, explains why domestic violence prevention should be more of a priority than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We also celebrated Earth Day with a reading list!

In May, we’ll be inviting our first ever intern class to join our team! I’m really excited about our applicants, and I can’t wait to introduce our interns to the Novel Hand community. They will be writing for the blog, researching and contributing to our content, and helping us to increase our presence online. 

If you want to stay updated on all things Novel Hand, sign up for our newsletter! Each Sunday, we send out our latest content and other things that we’re learning. Subscribe below!


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