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It’s Election Day. Here’s Why We Vote.

  • by Alexa
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Today is Election Day. It’s the most important election of our generation.

Humanitarian issues are on the ballot, from our nation’s response to COVID-19 to climate change.

If you’re reading this, you probably have a plan to vote. In the off-chance that you’re not registered to vote, 17 states have same day voter registration.

This week, our team shared how they voted, what issues are most important to them in this election, and why they vote.

How did you vote this year?

I’m from Oregon, where our elections have been exclusively vote-by-mail for the past two decades – I didn’t really know what a polling place was until high school! We automatically receive a ballot every election cycle, even if you’re voting absentee, so I filled mine out and mailed it in a few weeks ago.

Emma F

Because I go to grad school outside of the county where I am registered to vote, I decided to early vote this year. It is around a 40 minute drive to my polling place, and even though I early voted it still took around 50 minutes once I arrived. I was really excited to see so many people waiting outside with me, since Tennessee is known for low voter turnout.


I voted by mail this year! I live in North Carolina for school, but I like to vote by mail so I can vote in my local elections in New Jersey, my home state. My mom was on the ballot this year as a state representative, so getting to vote for her was really special.


I dropped my absentee ballot off at an early voting site! It was very quick, easy, and safe.


When I received my absentee ballot in the mail in early October, I filled it out, sealed the envelope, and slid it into a blue postal box that same afternoon. It’s fulfilling and empowering to be able to participate in our country’s democracy and stand up for the values we believe in.


Which Issues Are Most Important to You in This Election?

The environment, minority rights, and education are most important to me.


The topics that I am most interested in this election are climate change and healthcare reform. I am hoping that the next president will pay special attention to the climate and how we are treating it. I also hope that there will be more universal healthcare reforms.


The most important topics for me in this election are the environment, racial justice, and women’s rights. 


The most important topics to me this election cycle are climate change and the coronavirus pandemic.


The topics that are most important to me during this election are healthcare, response to the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and racial and ethnic inequality. 


Why Do You Vote?

I vote to have my voice heard. I try my best to vote in every election, including midterms and primaries. Whether we are in a presidential election year or not, you can always find something worth speaking for on the ballot.


I vote because the people we choose as our leaders – especially at the state and local level – have a lot of influence over so many aspects of our lives. I want to help make sure that whoever we give that power to is someone who’s wise and trustworthy in their decision-making, and hopefully someone who can think beyond their re-election chances and work for the good of the people they serve.

Emma F

I vote because it’s one way to engage with the democracy we strive for.


I vote because I want my voice to be represented in local, state, and national policies. I want to live in a clean environment. I want to see policies dismantle the effects of environmental racism that kill millions each year from pollution. I want to see policies address the root causes of climate migration and to safely and responsibly protect climate refugees. While I feel empowered to take actions in my own community that don’t require a vote to make a difference, I vote because I need political representatives to hear about the concerns and needs of their constituents.


I vote because it is my civic duty and I want my values to be fought for by those in office.


We are at a significant turning point in American history, and the decisions we make, or do not make, on Election Day will shape our futures and those of generations to come. As such, I want to ensure that my voice is heard, so I can protect and (hopefully) secure the future I envision for myself and for others. I also recognize that the ability to vote is a privilege, so I want to use my voice to advocate for those who may not be afforded a similar privilege.


I vote to keep the planet and its natural spaces safe for future generations.


I vote because I think that voting is an integral part of our democracy and because so many people in the past have fought for the right for women and minorities to vote.


I vote not only because it is my civic duty, but because I know that many others do not have the privilege that I have to not be so severely impact by the results of every election. I feel that I have a responsibility to make my voice heard within the society that we live in.


I vote because democracy represents the unity and collaboration that our country needs now and always. I vote for women, minorities, students, and those experiencing poverty and homelessness. I vote because I believe that countering climate change requires government action.


Novel Hand will be on a brief hiatus this week as we vote. Look for our next articles on Thursday morning.

In the meantime, read about the Green New Deal.


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