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Should billionaires exist?

Why is our economy so unequal? Why do wage gaps exist? This month, we’re exploring income inequality in the US and what can be done about it.

income inequality in the us

Impactfull is our monthly series.

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Articles written by Katie Cho

How Does Globalization Affect Income Inequality in the US?

Over the past few decades, America has reaped the benefits of expansion and automation with little worry of repercussion. As the world becomes more interconnected, technology is advancing beyond what was previously imaginable. While the US continues to make advancements, however, it is beginning to see the surprisingly negative effects of globalization and technological

How a Decline in Unions Contributes to Income Inequality

The earliest recorded strike in the US occurred in 1768. The first labor union, otherwise known as Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers (shoemakers), in Philadelphia was formed in 1794. Labor unions have been a familiar concept to Americans for centuries and their existence prevails today. As such, many Americans are likely aware, to a

The Big Three: Exploring Wage Gaps in the US

Is there still a wage gap in the US? This week, we’re looking at the big three wage gaps and how they affect so many Americans.

Let’s Talk Money: An Introduction to Income Inequality

What is income inequality, and what does it look like in the US? We dive into economic justice in the first article of our latest Impactfull series.

Create Impact

Take action with these impact opportunities curated by our team! Just click to get started.


Sign this petition to support the Protect the Right to Organize Act and help millions of workers across the US.


Follow along with this short and simple interactive activity in order to learn broadly about economic inequality in the US and where you fit in.


Read the following fact sheet from the Center for Financial Trauma & Wealth Justice to learn more about the legacy of white supremacy in financial literacy.


Read the following Demos report to learn about student debt and its connections with racial and economic inequality.


The Women’s Bean Project is a Colorado social enterprise that hires and trains chronically unemployed women to teach them how to make a living by creating nourishing projects. More specifically, the program involved training for all types of jobs, including in food production, career services, classroom work, etc. and every graduating woman moves into a career entry-level job.

The Women's Bean Project | GreaterGood

Shop from the Women’s Bean Project store to support women and their economic independence. If you don’t need to purchase anything right now, bookmark the page for future gifts and purchases.