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May in Review: Justice for George Floyd, COVID-19, & more

  • by Alexa
george floyd

A week ago, I had no idea that my home state would be torn apart by the death of an African American man killed by a white police officer. Since last Monday, protests calling for justice and change have spread from Minneapolis to dozens of American cities. Our nation has been awoken to the need for racial justice and anti-racism work.

As always, Novel Hand is committed to asking questions to learn more. I started Novel Hand because I’m passionate about my generation’s role in seeking the best solutions to global humanitarian issues. While George Floyd’s death is yet another marker of how far we have to go, our response demonstrates that our generation is committed to progress in the direction of racial justice. As Annabelle wrote on Friday, institutionalized racism is real in our country, and it requires action. In the coming weeks, our team will be a part of the conversation and the learning process by researching and writing about racial justice, mass incarceration, race relations, and other topics.

Team updates

In May, our team welcomed two new contributors. Annabelle is excited to write about domestic violence and the criminal justice system, and Grace L will be writing about topics from racial justice to collective impact. We also welcomed our six summer interns, who are joining our team as researchers, writers and marketers this summer. Their first posts were published last week!

We also celebrated our graduating seniors and had the chance to hear about their plans for what’s next!

What’s to come in June

Next month, we’re excited to welcome a new contributor who will be writing about the environment and sustainability.

As I said, we’re committed to learning and writing about racial justice in America. Below are several posts we’ve already written:

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