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Meet Angel

  • by Angel

Hey guys! I’m Angel, the Creative Director of Novel Hand. Keep reading if you want to know a little more about me and why I’m a part of Novel Hand!

I’m a senior at Vanderbilt University pursuing a career as a Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. I’m also a Wedding and Portrait Photographer based in Nashville (check out This basically means that when I’m not studying the names of human bones and muscles, I’m probably hanging out with an engaged couple in a beautiful location and taking some wildly, crazy-in-love photos.

My love for photography started at a young age. I’ve dreamed of visiting every national park in the USA ever since I was a kid, so my parents took me to one whenever they had a chance. There, I would steal the camera from my mom and take photos of the incredible landscapes. 

Then one day, a good friend of mine asked me to take her senior photos, and everything changed. Suddenly, everyone wanted their photos taken and my photography career was born. Now, five years later, it’s my favorite thing to do.

So when Alexa asked me to join Novel Hand as her Creative Director (as we were standing in Donut Den grabbing some extra food before dinner), I said YES. Using my passions to serve one of my friends seemed like the right thing to do, althoughI didn’t know much about Novel Hand then. But in the past few weeks as I’ve learned more about the organization and Alexa’s heart behind it, I couldn’t be more thrilled and honored to be a part of it.

Novel Hand is the bridge. The bridge between passion for activism and knowledge of how to become an activist. When I started attending college a few years ago, you might have called me naive. Truly. I didn’t know a lot of what was going on in general, but especially in poverty-struck regions around the globe. I just didn’t know.

But the last four years of college have completely changed my mindset. I’ve been a part of Alternative Spring Break (ASB) at Vanderbilt, participating in conversations and engaging in service with poverty and environmental activism. This past summer I interned with Nashville International Center for Empowerment, aiding refugees that are from Africa. I’ve started listening to “The New Activist”, a podcast by International Justice Mission. 

I’m not saying that I know it all, but I’m learning. And that’s what Novel Hand is about. Learning more about how to best serve the world and those around us.

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