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The National Human Trafficking Hotline identified 51,919 cases of human trafficking in the US between 2007 and 2018

  • by Alexa
novel hand impact

Happy Monday!

This is my second ever Monday Digest– a collection of challenging thoughts, must-reads and what to look forward to on The Journal this week.

The National Human Trafficking Hotline identified 51,919 cases of human trafficking in the US between 2007 and 2018

This Thursday, July 30 is the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Modern day slavery is a reality for millions of people around the world– and thousands of people in the United States. Learn more about human trafficking in the US from Polaris, which operates the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Their 2018 fact sheet details how the hotline has supported thousands of survivors. Learn more about modern-day slavery from my articles on the 2020 TIP Report and human trafficking awareness.


The A.D.A. at 30: Beyond the Law’s Promise

This series of articles from the New York Times describes the impact and importance of the Americans With Disabilities Act, a landmark bill passed 30 years ago this month. I learned so much about the progress that has been made and what’s yet to be done from this series. 

Judge Won’t Free Michigan Teenager Sent to Juvenile Detention After Not Doing Online Schoolwork

Last week, Kelly wrote about steps to end the school-to-prison pipeline. She mentioned Grace– a 15-year-old high school student in Michigan who was sent to juvenile detention for not completing her schoolwork during the pandemic. Judge Mary Brennan denied a motion to release Grace from a juvenile detention facility. This article explains Judge Brennan’s reasoning and the impact that this decision will have on Grace. 

This week on The Journal

We’ve got so much great content coming this week! Yuna is writing about police brutality as a human rights violation. Eve is writing about how environmental racism is exacerbated by COVID-19, and we’ll have an article about the importance of the 2020 census for communities from Annabelle. 

Last but not least: we’re introducing a new project next Monday! Sign up for our newsletter below to get early access ✨

Have a great week!


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