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Best of the Best: Our Top Articles of 2020

  • by Alexa

In 2020, Novel Hand published 283 articles (including this one!). Here are our most read articles from this year!

Redlining: How it Continues to Affect Education Today

Kelly’s article about the lasting effects of redlining on education was our most read article of 2020.

Four Things I Learned From Just Mercy

This was one of the first articles that I wrote for Novel Hand after reading Just Mercy over winter break. The book, written by civil rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson, became increasingly popular following the release of the companion movie and the police killing of George Floyd.

Gentrification in Nashville Explained

After the tornadoes that hit Middle Tennessee in Early March, Grace wrote about the impact of gentrification in Nashville.

Why We Need to Support Community Bail Funds Now More Than Ever

As COVID-19 began to upend life around the U.S., Emma advocated for those experiencing incarceration.

How do Social Media and COVID-19 Affect Human Trafficking?

As part of their series on human trafficking, Katherine and Annabelle wrote about how social media is used to trick and deceive victims. They also covered how COVID-19 has affected human trafficking.

What You Need to Know about Nashville’s People’s Plaza

After the police killing of George Floyd, protesters gathered at the Tennessee State Capitol. Grace reported on their activism.

George Floyd: A Call to Action During COVID-19

Days after the police killing of George Floyd, Annabelle wrote about the need to address racism and racial injustice.

What You Should Know About the Uighur Human Rights Crisis

This year, new information came to light about forced labor in the cotton industry in China. Grace L wrote about human rights abuses committed against Uighur Muslims in China and what you can do about it.

The Legacy of Racially Restrictive Covenants in Minnesota

After George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, Alexa explored the legacy of racism in her home state through the lasting impacts of racially restrictive covenants.

The Privatization of America’s Public Lands: Why It’s a Humanitarian Issue

Regan wrote about the privatization of America’s public lands and the potential impact on people and planet. Read her follow-up about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


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