Hey everyone! Today I’m sharing Novel Hand’s core values. These are qualities that I hope will guide everything that we do with this project. Keep reading for a short introduction to each of our core values. Additionally, they’re listed under the “Who We Are” page.
HUMILITY: Novel Hand approaches learning about altruism with humility. As we learn, we recognize that we are not experts and that community is critical to our project. Humility leads us to ask questions instead of jumping to conclusions, and to be thankful for each opportunity that we have to learn.
CURIOSITY: Novel Hand asks questions to learn more and to get the best answers. We acknowledge that we don’t know everything, and that there is always more to learn. Novel Hand is committed to asking hard and important questions during interviews so that we can learn the most possible.
EMPATHY: Novel Hand strives to be empathetic in everything that we do. As a project dedicated to learning about altruism, we first serve and care for those that we interact with. Empathy requires understanding others’ perspectives and feelings.
HONESTY: Novel Hand is honest in every interaction we have and piece of content that we release. Transparency is crucial to honest reporting and content. When we make mistakes, we will share them with our readers and correct them.
PASSION: Novel Hand is passionate about altruism. This passion drives us to ask questions and to be relentless in pursuing truth. We strive to inspire the same passion for altruism in our generation.
GRATITUDE: Novel Hand is grateful for the opportunities and resources that make this project possible. We are thankful for each person who takes time to participate in an interview and for those who join us in our goal of learning about altruism. We acknowledge the privilege and responsibility that we have in discussing humanitarian and social subjects.
Over the next two weeks, I’ll be introducing each of these values individually on Instagram at @novel.hand. Stay tuned for more about the core values that guide Novel Hand!

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