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Thank you to our interns!

  • by Alexa
b corps impact

Happy Tuesday!

I can’t believe that it’s already August- and that our interns already finished their time with us last week! Today, I want to celebrate their accomplishments and share what they’ve been working on this summer. 

This summer was unexpected in a lot of ways. Our interns covered so many current topics– from environmental racism to how COVID-19 is affecting Indigenous populations

Our interns also covered systemic and ongoing humanitarian issues, like redlining and the school-to-prison pipeline.

If you’re going back to school this fall, be sure to read Eve’s piece on how to support survivors and her article about university involvement in the prison industrial complex

Our interns also covered topics that will likely be pertinent for quite a while. Pragya wrote about the importance of universal access to a COVID-19 vaccine, and Kelly interviewed a teacher about equity and access in schools this fall

Our Writing and Research Interns also helped behind the scenes with projects like Handful and creating our resource pages

Also, a special thanks to our marketing interns, who have helped us to grow the Novel Hand community and share our vision of turning activism into impact with more and more of our generation. 

It’s been such a joy to get to know these women this summer, and I’m excited for what each of them will accomplish this fall and in the years to come!

Interested in applying to be a Novel Hand intern? Our application deadline has been extended to August 12 – apply here!


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