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Our 100th Post!

  • by Alexa
novel hand

Hey everyone!! I cannot believe this, but this is Novel Hand’s ONE HUNDREDTH POST! That means that we’ve published one hundred articles about humanitarian issues. It’s been such a fun start to this project. 

To celebrate, we’re sharing our most popular posts and giving a sneak peek as to what’s next for Novel Hand. Head over to our instagram for Novel Hand trivia and a giveaway!


Welcome to Novel Hand!

I’ll never forget writing our first post– trying to put into words everything that I wanted to do with Novel Hand. Re-reading this post just five and a half months later, I’m less all-out giddy and more grounded in my excitement about Novel Hand. It’s so rewarding to be able to look back at this post and see how I’ve grown, and how this project has grown. I’m grateful for the clear version that I set out for Novel Hand in our first post

What is Environmental Justice, Anyway?

This post, written by Emma F, was an instant classic. I loved how clearly she wrote about this topic, one that I didn’t know much about before reading her draft. Coincidentally, Emma has a new post today revisiting this topic in light of the conversation around racial justice in the US right now. Read her original post, and then dive into “Environmental Justice, Revisited”.

Gentrification in Nashville Explained

Grace A’s piece about gentrification in Nashville is one of my all-time favorites. Although it makes me a little sad to read about Nashville now that I no longer live there, I so enjoyed re-reading this thoughtful and timely piece. Written after the Middle Tennessee tornadoes, this piece clearly explains gentrification, its occurrence in Nashville, and the importance of equitable community development plans.

Why We Need to Support Community Bail Funds Now More Than Ever

This post, written by Emma S in April, explains the need for community bail funds at the height of the epidemic. I love how it clearly explained what community bail funds are, and the role that they play for those accused of crimes. 


More learning resources

Novel Hand is continuously thinking about new ways to share what we’re learning with our community. In the next few months, you’ll see some awesome new tools to interact with our content. 

Podcast recommendations

Next month, Novel Hand will debut a fun tool to help you find your next podcast to listen to. Our intern Eve has done a deep dive looking for the best podcasts about social and humanitarian issues, and Erika is working on the tech side. Our new tool will give you personalized recommendations as to which podcasts you should listen to. This is gonna be so good!!

Making it official

Novel Hand is in the very beginning stages of incorporating as a nonprofit. When I say the very beginning stages, I mean I’ve gotten advice from some trusted advisors and I’ve read a few articles online. I’m excited to take this next step to make our work at Novel Hand more sustainable and permanent. 


Lastly, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has joined us on this journey so far. It’s brought me so much joy to learn, to share what I’m learning, and to invite others into this project. Stick with us for what’s to come– it’s going to be so great!!!

Also, if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, what are you doing? You’re definitely missing out. Just give us your name and email below and we’ll hit you every Sunday with the most thought-provoking and aesthetic email you’ll receive all week.

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