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Welcome to Novel Hand!

  • by Alexa

Happy New Year! I’m so excited to introduce you to Novel Hand, a project exploring altruism to educate and engage our generation. 

Entering this new decade, issues like climate change, refugees and human trafficking are more relevant than ever. Our generation is on the frontlines of so many of these issues, engaging in activism and making our voices heard.

However, I’ve also noticed a disconnect. While we care so much about current humanitarian issues, we distrust the organizations and institutions that are trying to solve those issues. We’re activists, engaging with important social issues, but there’s so much more to learn about these problems and how we can be involved in their solutions. Globalization and technology have increased our access to the most important humanitarian causes of our day, but they’ve also revealed how complex these issues are. 

That’s where Novel Hand comes in. I want to learn about current humanitarian issues. I have so many questions- you can see some of them on the ‘Questions We’re Asking’ page. Second, I want to share what I learn with my generation. I think that my peers have so much passion for activism and helping others, but often we don’t know enough about the issues or we don’t know the best way to help. I hope that Novel Hand can help to merge the gap between our passion to help and the knowledge we need to make a difference.

To do this, I’ll be talking to leaders who are working to find solutions to the humanitarian and social problems of our day. I’ll be reading books, watching documentaries, and participating in conversations about modern altruism. And I’ll share what I learn through the blog and our social media channels– I hope that you’ll follow along and learn with me. In February, we’ll announce another way that you can learn with us. During these first few months, I want to start learning by exploring as many topics as possible. After this initial exploratory period, I’ll start to dive into specific problems and their solutions.

There are thousands of lifestyle, fashion and travel blogs out there- but few about altruism and humanitarian issues. More generally, resources to learn about altruism are few and far between, and almost none are specifically for people our age. That’s what sets Novel Hand apart: we are a mission-driven blog dedicated to sharing what we’re learning about altruism with our generation. 

Right now, our team consists of two Vanderbilt University seniors. I’m Alexa, the Founder and Editor of Novel Hand. Angel, my roommate and one of my best friends, is our Creative Director. We are both so excited to share what we’re learning with you.

The best way to learn with us is to follow @novel.hand on Instagram and like Novel Hand (@NovelHand) on Facebook. We’ll post all of our content, updates and other things that we’re learning there. Check the blog regularly for new posts and other announcements. 

I invite you to learn with me about the humanitarian problems facing our world. But more importantly, I invite you to explore the possible solutions with me. For now, check back tomorrow to learn how you can get involved. Thank you for joining me on this journey!


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