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Celebrating Our Interns and Their Impact

  • by Alexa
novel hand interns

Our fall interns recently finished their last articles, and today we want to celebrate their hard work over the past four months. Here are the top articles written by our fall 2020 interns

Learning to Fight Fire with Fire: Turning to Native Burning Practices for Help in Fire Season

As fires shocked her home state of California during late summer, Clare wrote about how Native burning practices manage fires and reduce the level of damage.

Reducing Food Waste One Plate at a Time: Solutions to a Global Dilemma

You probably know that food insecurity has increased significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic– but you may not know that food waste is also a major problem in the US. Izzy explained the problem of food waste, and how its solutions can help both people and planet.

One in 1,220: COVID-19 and Water on Native Reservations

One in 1,220 Native Americans have died from COVID-19, compared to 1 in 2,150 white Americans.
Eleanor explored how water access and other factors influence health inequities during COVID-19.

The Drawbacks of Tourism: Native Hawaii’s Environment, Culture, and Economy

Elina wrote about how tourism affects local populations, and how we can travel more sustainable and equitable.

The Privatization of America’s Public Lands: Why It’s a Humanitarian Issue

Regan’s first article was about the federal government’s privatization of public lands– acreage owned by the American people and managed by the federal government. She argues that this is a humanitarian issue.

Exploring Solutions to Generational Illiteracy in the United States

Did you know that one in five adults in the United States possesses low literacy skills? Lila wrote about the problem of generational illiteracy and its potential solutions.

Food Insecurity in Farm Country: Solutions to American Food Apartheid

What is food insecurity, and how can we solve it? Sydney investigated the challenges of food insecurity in rural America and several innovative solutions.

How to talk and listen (even when it’s hard)

Difficult conversations have been a reality for many this year– whether talking about COVID-19 precautions or racial injustice. Tori shares advice for starting and sustaining these important conversations.


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